Hello everyone, here are some exercises I did while in between terms. I wanted to improve my timing and spacing as well as have a shot with a variety of weights in it.
The first shot is in rough splines, the second is my first blocking pass w/o constraints set up yet- there is a skull behind the last rock that frightens poor Stewie.
thanks AM for the fun rigs.
Ok, these are looking pretty good for quickies...the timing is definately working pretty well and the story is clear (what if the back of the skull were grey to blend in with the rocks but the front were white and unwheathered?)...I imagine the spacing will come with more polish...and the weight when he's picking up the rock could be more exaggerated especially in the hips...the falling off the wall is probably the best of these exercises...where'd the ballie punch go? Keep going though, way to be experimental!